What is the role of the individuals in the peace-building process? Through our interviews with Agents of Peace worldwide we have come to realize that the individual is in fact very important to peace realization and actualization.
It is not uncommon for us to believe that the only way for us to truly make a difference in this world is to support large, well-established organizations. Even then, we often think "what is my contribution going to do? How can this minuscule donation of my time or money help affect change?"
Speaking with Marianne Elliott on the telephone earlier this month I was pleasantly surprised to find that she had come to terms with this dilemma is a dramatic and life-altering way. As a Human Rights Lawyer with the UN in Afghanistan, Marianne had first hand experience of the inability, sometimes, of even the big organizations to make a difference (visit this link for more information). Through her experience in Afghanistan she went from believing that the only organization that was big enough to really make any difference in Afghanistan was the UN to realizing that the only way that she could truly contribute to peace was to "behave in a way that [she was] contributing to peace and not contributing to conflict."
This is interesting given the nature of this project and the question arises again: are individuals important to the peace-building process? Marianne explained during the interview that she saw first hand the affects of individual leadership on the actions and outlook of peace-keeping troops in Afghanistan--but how does this translate into non-military groups? How does this translate into grassroots peacekeeping?
Do an individual's motivations and emotions regarding peace and peacebuilding have an effect on the project and process itself?
It is something to ponder.
Be sure to listen to the interview with this inspiring woman on our NUPRI website. Also check out our interview with Peter Singer for another take on individuals and peace.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Monday, 25 July 2011
Political Representativeness and the Politics of Sheep-Rearing
On Friday July 22nd 2011 the world suffered yet another great loss--and in my opinion that great loss was not of beloved, rebellious singer Amy Winehouse. Rather, in Norway, more than 70 people were killed by terrorist attacks--some by bombings in Oslo, and at a camp about an hour away from the Capital. A terrible act of terrorism with a complete lack of rational political motivation by a crazed individual bent on ridding the world of "Islam". How this man hoped to achieve this goal by shooting tens of innocent youth at a summer camp is beyond me. But that aside, this post is not about the bombings and tragic events of the past weekend. Rather it is about our political leaders.
What responsibility to our political leaders have in the face of the public? Does their obligation to the public stop at the boundaries of their power? Or as public figures, do they have a responsibility to put forward a face of informed concern for public safety, politics, terrorism and international issues?
The simple answer would be "yes". As our public figures, and as our representatives to the world political leaders do have a responsibility to publicly show concern for the issues effecting our globe, beyond celebrity gossip and pop culture it-subjects. Further, political representatives from all sectors of government--local, provincial, federal--have the pull to influence the thought processes of the represented. If our PM or MP of Mayor tells us that popular culture issues, such as the death of a celebrity, or the personal goings on of a famous golfer, are important, but fail to note that political issues, such as terrorist acts, government activities, and international issues are also, if not more, important than it is not surprising that those they represent, it can be expected, will act accordingly.
That is not to say that all citizens necessarily act as sheep in relation to important political issues. The question is, can they be expected not to?
I would love to hear your responses to this!
Happy monday!
What responsibility to our political leaders have in the face of the public? Does their obligation to the public stop at the boundaries of their power? Or as public figures, do they have a responsibility to put forward a face of informed concern for public safety, politics, terrorism and international issues?
The simple answer would be "yes". As our public figures, and as our representatives to the world political leaders do have a responsibility to publicly show concern for the issues effecting our globe, beyond celebrity gossip and pop culture it-subjects. Further, political representatives from all sectors of government--local, provincial, federal--have the pull to influence the thought processes of the represented. If our PM or MP of Mayor tells us that popular culture issues, such as the death of a celebrity, or the personal goings on of a famous golfer, are important, but fail to note that political issues, such as terrorist acts, government activities, and international issues are also, if not more, important than it is not surprising that those they represent, it can be expected, will act accordingly.
That is not to say that all citizens necessarily act as sheep in relation to important political issues. The question is, can they be expected not to?
I would love to hear your responses to this!
Happy monday!
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Support for Eddson!!!
Hello friends, family and followers. We are still looking for support for Mr. Eddson Chakuma. Eddson is one of 6 activists held on charges by the Zimbabwean state for gathering to watch videos of the Arab Spring uprisings--particularly those in Tunisia and Egypt. Zimbabwe's POSA law disallows individuals to gather or organize in any way that could be construed as "activism".
Eddson was fired from his job for missing work while he was kept in a flee-ridden prison and tortured. Now, as the case continues--the Zimbabwean state seemingly grasping at straws to keep charges against the 6 activists--Eddson is feeling the financial strain. He has had to move his family away from him so that they may avoid harassment and the costs of maintaining his household, paying his bills, buying food and traveling to his hearings are overwhelming. In order to help Eddson in his time of need, NUPRI and the Agents of Peace project have started a fundraiser to help Eddson and his family start a Chicken farm which will provide sustainable support to them not only during the case but afterwards as well.
Eddson was hesitant to write us a proposal for this project. He wrote to Dr. Toivo Koivukoski "it is difficult when you are the one asking for help." During our interview with him on the 15th he told us "I can not be seen begging forever", but we do not think that he is begging at all. Eddson is a proud man with mouths to feed--a difficult situation for anyone to be in. But he is not to proud to ask for assistance when his wife, children and retired father are on the line. For that we applaud him.
Please take the time to donate to Eddson's chicken project. It costs $500 for 500 chicks, and the feed for these 500 chicks will cost $1450. The chicken run, where the chicks will be kept until maturity will cost him $400.
A donation of $10 will buy Eddson and his family 10 Chicks! Likewise, a $30 donation will feed those ten chicks until maturity! So think about it: for about the cost of a family dinner at KFC or another food outlet you can provide Eddson and his family with 10 chicks and enough food to take care of those ten chicks until they are old enough to sell!
If you are one of those people who ask yourself "I am just one person, what can I do?", this is a perfect opportunity to have that question answered once and for all.
The answer is... tons!
Eddson was fired from his job for missing work while he was kept in a flee-ridden prison and tortured. Now, as the case continues--the Zimbabwean state seemingly grasping at straws to keep charges against the 6 activists--Eddson is feeling the financial strain. He has had to move his family away from him so that they may avoid harassment and the costs of maintaining his household, paying his bills, buying food and traveling to his hearings are overwhelming. In order to help Eddson in his time of need, NUPRI and the Agents of Peace project have started a fundraiser to help Eddson and his family start a Chicken farm which will provide sustainable support to them not only during the case but afterwards as well.
Eddson was hesitant to write us a proposal for this project. He wrote to Dr. Toivo Koivukoski "it is difficult when you are the one asking for help." During our interview with him on the 15th he told us "I can not be seen begging forever", but we do not think that he is begging at all. Eddson is a proud man with mouths to feed--a difficult situation for anyone to be in. But he is not to proud to ask for assistance when his wife, children and retired father are on the line. For that we applaud him.
Please take the time to donate to Eddson's chicken project. It costs $500 for 500 chicks, and the feed for these 500 chicks will cost $1450. The chicken run, where the chicks will be kept until maturity will cost him $400.
A donation of $10 will buy Eddson and his family 10 Chicks! Likewise, a $30 donation will feed those ten chicks until maturity! So think about it: for about the cost of a family dinner at KFC or another food outlet you can provide Eddson and his family with 10 chicks and enough food to take care of those ten chicks until they are old enough to sell!
If you are one of those people who ask yourself "I am just one person, what can I do?", this is a perfect opportunity to have that question answered once and for all.
The answer is... tons!
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Individual Obstacles to Peace
Having spoken to a number of individuals in the past couple of weeks about the obstacles to peace in our world, it has become abundantly clear that many of the most pressing obstacles are caused by our individual flaws. Danielle David, a young woman and avid volunteer studying Psychology and Religion at Careleton University in Ottawa, the most important obstacle to peace is ignorance and a lack of desire to know more about what is going on in the world, an complete inability to separate oneself from one's own "stuff". This was quite perceptive of Ms. David and we decided to think about it a little more--could it be that our North American culture, the culture of "I" and "Me" and "Mine", could be the main obstacle to peace? Or is it more than just a North American phenomenon?
We spoke with Marianne Elliott from New Zealand this week and the discussion was quite enlightening as throughout our 40 minute conversation on peace with the ex-UN peacekeeper and now yoga instructor, we came to the realization that it is not just a North American trait to be obsessed, or perhaps simply preoccupied with one's own problems. Marianne spent a number of years working for grassroots NGOs and larger organizations such as the UN with the hope that she could affect peace in the world. What she realized in participating in discussions with individuals in conflict was that they too were preoccupied with themselves, though perhaps in a different way. In her experience, individual motivations often overshadow the final destination in discussions of peace-building and peacekeeping missions. If you come at peace-building from a position of anger and resentment to those disrupting the peace, Marianne believe, then how can you possibly expect a peaceful resolution? A valid point, given the inherent lack of peace associated with anger and resentment.
So if we as individuals are the problem, then how can we solve this problem without becoming more self-absorbed. Danielle David and Marianne Elliott, women or different ages and upbringings, from opposite ends of the globe have found the solution in themselves. Both seem to agree that in order to build peace you must first have knowledge, in Marianne's case, knowledge of yourself and your motivations, in Danielle's case, knowledge of the world around you.
When you reconcile the two perspectives on individuality as an obstacle to peace, it appears that you have arrived at a coherent and all-encompassing solution to this specific problem--that is: know what the problems are around you that you would like to fix, and come to terms with the reason that you feel the need to fix them.
So what do you think? Does this seem like a valid and effective way to approach peacekeeping? If so why, and if not, why not?
We spoke with Marianne Elliott from New Zealand this week and the discussion was quite enlightening as throughout our 40 minute conversation on peace with the ex-UN peacekeeper and now yoga instructor, we came to the realization that it is not just a North American trait to be obsessed, or perhaps simply preoccupied with one's own problems. Marianne spent a number of years working for grassroots NGOs and larger organizations such as the UN with the hope that she could affect peace in the world. What she realized in participating in discussions with individuals in conflict was that they too were preoccupied with themselves, though perhaps in a different way. In her experience, individual motivations often overshadow the final destination in discussions of peace-building and peacekeeping missions. If you come at peace-building from a position of anger and resentment to those disrupting the peace, Marianne believe, then how can you possibly expect a peaceful resolution? A valid point, given the inherent lack of peace associated with anger and resentment.
So if we as individuals are the problem, then how can we solve this problem without becoming more self-absorbed. Danielle David and Marianne Elliott, women or different ages and upbringings, from opposite ends of the globe have found the solution in themselves. Both seem to agree that in order to build peace you must first have knowledge, in Marianne's case, knowledge of yourself and your motivations, in Danielle's case, knowledge of the world around you.
When you reconcile the two perspectives on individuality as an obstacle to peace, it appears that you have arrived at a coherent and all-encompassing solution to this specific problem--that is: know what the problems are around you that you would like to fix, and come to terms with the reason that you feel the need to fix them.
So what do you think? Does this seem like a valid and effective way to approach peacekeeping? If so why, and if not, why not?
Monday, 18 July 2011
Eddson Chakuma case postponed once more...
Eddson Chakuma and his fellow activists went to court this morning in Zimbabwe. The Judge who had been on the case has recused himself as he is not comfortable with the case... a sure sign that the charges against the above mentioned activists are at least a little bit unwarranted. The case is postponed again until the 22nd of August and a new Judge will be appointed. The state of Zimbabwe has changed the charges against the 6 Activists for the second time and now charges them with Conspiracy to cause Public Violence. Eddson thanks everyone for your support. Please stay up to date on what is happening in this case as August 22nd approaches.
In the meantime, please donate to Eddson's chicken project. He and his family are in dire need of a way to sustainably support themselves. Since his arrest Eddson has been struggling to take care of his family--which includes his father and step-mother, his wife and his three year old son. You can learn more about his chicken project by listening to his interview on the NUPRI website.
Thank you everyone for your support.
In the meantime, please donate to Eddson's chicken project. He and his family are in dire need of a way to sustainably support themselves. Since his arrest Eddson has been struggling to take care of his family--which includes his father and step-mother, his wife and his three year old son. You can learn more about his chicken project by listening to his interview on the NUPRI website.
Thank you everyone for your support.
Friday, 15 July 2011
Eddson Chakuma
We had the great pleasure of interviewing Mr. Eddson Chakuma this morning as part of the Agents of Peace project. We have uploaded clips of the interview to our website and you can access them by following this link http://nupri.nipissingu.ca/agents/interviews/eddson-chakuma-zimbabwe/.
During the interview Eddson Mentioned that he is struggling financially. He has had to move his family away to avoid harassment and after being fired from his job during his imprisonment, he is struggling to support his family. With the added cost of travelling to court hearings, Eddson is finding it difficult to get by. His goal is to start a chicken project on some land that is owned by a friend of his--however the cost of doing so is quite high for him in his current situation. We hope that you will take this opportunity to donate to Eddson's cause. This is a chance for us as individuals to act as Agents of Peace and Change, if only in a small way.
Please see below to learn how you can donate to this cause through the Nipissing University Peace Research Initiative and the Agents of Peace.
During the interview Eddson Mentioned that he is struggling financially. He has had to move his family away to avoid harassment and after being fired from his job during his imprisonment, he is struggling to support his family. With the added cost of travelling to court hearings, Eddson is finding it difficult to get by. His goal is to start a chicken project on some land that is owned by a friend of his--however the cost of doing so is quite high for him in his current situation. We hope that you will take this opportunity to donate to Eddson's cause. This is a chance for us as individuals to act as Agents of Peace and Change, if only in a small way.
Please see below to learn how you can donate to this cause through the Nipissing University Peace Research Initiative and the Agents of Peace.
Monday, 11 July 2011
Support for Eddson Chakuma
Eddson Chakuma and his family are in desperate need of financial and moral support. Eddson is in the process of starting a chicken project to support his wife, 3 year old son and his retired parents, who he takes care of.
Eddson is an inspiring character--he is one of 6 Zimbabwean activists currently facing trial for merely attending a lecture and watching video footage of the North African revolutions which recently took place. They were tortured, in lice-infested, dirty jail cells and denied food and medical attention--to make matters worse for him and his family, Eddson was fired by his employer, the United Food & Allied Workers Union of Zimbabwe, for missing work while he was imprisoned. Yet you would not know it from talking to Eddson that he has suffered and continues to suffer such a terrible ordeal. His light-hearted spirit and emanating kindness distracts from his situation.
In the last message I received from Eddson, he asked me about my family, and told me about his 3 year old son. He says that he is very sad he can not raise him better, because of the situation he finds himself in. But he remains positive and hopeful. "Just being my friend makes my life better, especially this time when I need friends most" he writes, "I and my family are praying day and night that something, an Organisation or individual will come to our rescue and we haven't lost hope yet."
If you're someone who is always thinking--"I am just one person, what good can I do?" then this is the perfect opportunity for us to give you an answer to that perennial and all-to-common question. You may be surprised by the answer.
And the answer is "everything."
To contact Eddson or send financial support to him and his family during their time of need, please email echakuma1 (at) yahoo.com .
For more information about his case visit this link.
Eddson is an inspiring character--he is one of 6 Zimbabwean activists currently facing trial for merely attending a lecture and watching video footage of the North African revolutions which recently took place. They were tortured, in lice-infested, dirty jail cells and denied food and medical attention--to make matters worse for him and his family, Eddson was fired by his employer, the United Food & Allied Workers Union of Zimbabwe, for missing work while he was imprisoned. Yet you would not know it from talking to Eddson that he has suffered and continues to suffer such a terrible ordeal. His light-hearted spirit and emanating kindness distracts from his situation.
In the last message I received from Eddson, he asked me about my family, and told me about his 3 year old son. He says that he is very sad he can not raise him better, because of the situation he finds himself in. But he remains positive and hopeful. "Just being my friend makes my life better, especially this time when I need friends most" he writes, "I and my family are praying day and night that something, an Organisation or individual will come to our rescue and we haven't lost hope yet."
If you're someone who is always thinking--"I am just one person, what good can I do?" then this is the perfect opportunity for us to give you an answer to that perennial and all-to-common question. You may be surprised by the answer.
And the answer is "everything."
To contact Eddson or send financial support to him and his family during their time of need, please email echakuma1 (at) yahoo.com .
For more information about his case visit this link.
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Can individuals make a difference?
A recurring theme in our discussions with agents of peace worldwide is the question of whether or not individuals acting as peaceful agents can make a difference. Is it possible for the individual, apart from any social movement or organization cause real change in the world of peace-building and activism.
There has not been a lot of focus on the individual in research that has been done on peace agency. In fact, the individual is nearly absent in discussions of peace-building. While there are many papers written about groups of individuals working together--women for peace, muslims for peace, christians for peace, gays for peace and so forth--little is said about the single individuals working on their own with the intent of affecting real change with in their communities, in their countries and on the global stage.
So I ask you, can individuals make a difference? And if so, how?
There has not been a lot of focus on the individual in research that has been done on peace agency. In fact, the individual is nearly absent in discussions of peace-building. While there are many papers written about groups of individuals working together--women for peace, muslims for peace, christians for peace, gays for peace and so forth--little is said about the single individuals working on their own with the intent of affecting real change with in their communities, in their countries and on the global stage.
So I ask you, can individuals make a difference? And if so, how?
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Call for Action, Zimbabwe Activists face risks of torture and ill-treatment in prison
Six Zimbabwean activists who were arrested in February of this year in relation to a lecture about revolt in North Africa, will be tried on the 18th of July for attempting to subvert a constitutionally elected government. If convicted, they could be sentenced to 20 years in prison.
Eddson Chakuma, Antonater Choto, Hopewell Gumbo, Munyaradzi Gwisai, Tatenda Mombeyarara and Welcome Zimuto were among a group of 45 activists who were arrested and charged with treason on 19 February after attending and organizing a lecture entitled ‘Revolt in Egypt and Tunisia: What lessons can be learnt by Zimbabwe and Africa’. On 7 March, 39 of the activists were released after a Magistrates court dismissed the treason charges against them. The remaining six, who either spoke at the lecture or work with the Zimbabwean chapter of the International Socialist Organisation, which organized the lecture, were held in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day until they were released on bail on 16 March. Several of the activists, including Munyaradzi Gwisai, were reportedly beaten by security agents while in prison.
Although the state dropped the charges of treason, which can carry the death penalty under Zimbabwe’s penal code, the six activists are now due to stand trial on 18 July for the lesser charge of attempting to subvert a constitutionally elected government. These charges violate the activists’ freedom of expression. If convicted the charge, which Amnesty International considers to be politically motivated, carries a maximum prison sentence of twenty years.
Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible: Note: Please write on behalf of these persons even though you may not have received the original UA when issued on March 3, 2011. Thanks!
-Calling for the charges against Eddson Chakuma, Antonater Choto, Hopewell Gumbo, Munyaradzi Gwisai, Tatenda Mombeyarara and Welcome Zimuto to be dropped immediately.
-Expressing concern that the six are facing trial solely as a result of peacefully exercising their right to freedom of expression.
Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs
Hon Patrick Chinamasa Government of Zimbabwe New Government Complex P. Bag 7751, Causeway Harare, ZIMBABWE
011 263 4 790901
Dear Minister
The Attorney General
Johannes Tomana Government of Zimbabwe P. Bag 7714, Causeway Harare, ZIMBABWE
Fax: 011 263 4 777049
Salutation: Dear Attorney General
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Can an idea of "peace itself" affect real change?
It is hard to discuss the prospect of peace in our global age of war, massacres, and much bloodshed. There are so many prevalent human rights issues being discussed in the news on a daily basis, and nearly every minute our twitter feed tells us of another shocking event that would cause anyone to shudder.
So now we are brought to the question of the times: Can we discuss peace in its own terms? Is peace more than just the product of a cessation of conflict or the absence of war? Our interviewees thus far have reinforced our hopes that peace CAN be discussed on its own terms...each person expressing the belief that peace goes beyond discussion of war and conflict and into an often more abstract, but sometimes more specific realm. Peace can be something as simple as knowing where your next meal comes from, as simple as calm and peaceful communications between countries, members of a community or members of a family.
But can this idea of peace be expanded and put into practice in order to affect real change--whether it be in our homes, our communities, our countries or the world? That is the question of the day.
So now we are brought to the question of the times: Can we discuss peace in its own terms? Is peace more than just the product of a cessation of conflict or the absence of war? Our interviewees thus far have reinforced our hopes that peace CAN be discussed on its own terms...each person expressing the belief that peace goes beyond discussion of war and conflict and into an often more abstract, but sometimes more specific realm. Peace can be something as simple as knowing where your next meal comes from, as simple as calm and peaceful communications between countries, members of a community or members of a family.
But can this idea of peace be expanded and put into practice in order to affect real change--whether it be in our homes, our communities, our countries or the world? That is the question of the day.
Monday, 4 July 2011
What does peace mean to you?
It is hard sometimes to define peace. While the basic definition is "no war", is it not also important to realize that peace means more than simply a cessation of armed conflict? A large part of the Agents of Peace project is collecting different definitions of peace and it is amazing how varied responses to such a simple question can be.
Is peace: a cessation of war? Human security? The ability and right to make your own choices? The freedom to be yourself? The privilege of knowing where your next meal is coming from?
Please tell us what peace means to you.
Is peace: a cessation of war? Human security? The ability and right to make your own choices? The freedom to be yourself? The privilege of knowing where your next meal is coming from?
Please tell us what peace means to you.
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